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Gray Water Treatment and Reuse Plants
Domestic/Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plants
The increase in population and industrial development increase the need for water management, recovery, treatment and even its reuse. Having become a resource that is sometimes scarce and often economically expensive, water alone is a strategic issue and a comfort for the population. Created in 2015, the FIA (France Industries Assainissement), partner of ARAM was born from the desire to provide a global answer to the water business and its users, whether simple individuals, builders or operators of wastewater or industrial water treatment plants. In February 2017, FIA integrated into its commercial activity specialization in aeration solutions for the treatment of urban and industrial effluents. ARAM is available to design and distribute equipment for the treatment of industrial and commercial wastewater in various areas of activity.

Solutions for residential facilities, campsites, hotels, offices, public sector, transport, leisure, living areas. We offer solutions in fixed immersion culture, rotary biological reactor and container systems.

We have a wide range of solutions for the treatment and reuse of gray water (without faeces) from public office buildings and/or industrial buildings
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